package org.acm.seguin.parser; /* Generated By:JJTree&JavaCC: Do not edit this line. */ public interface JavaParserConstants { int EOF = 0; int SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 11; int FORMAL_COMMENT = 12; int MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 13; int CATEGORY_COMMENT = 14; int ABSTRACT = 16; int BOOLEAN = 17; int BREAK = 18; int BYTE = 19; int CASE = 20; int CATCH = 21; int CHAR = 22; int CLASS = 23; int CONST = 24; int CONTINUE = 25; int _DEFAULT = 26; int DO = 27; int DOUBLE = 28; int ELSE = 29; int EXTENDS = 30; int FALSE = 31; int FINAL = 32; int FINALLY = 33; int FLOAT = 34; int FOR = 35; int GOTO = 36; int IF = 37; int IMPLEMENTS = 38; int IMPORT = 39; int INSTANCEOF = 40; int INT = 41; int INTERFACE = 42; int LONG = 43; int NATIVE = 44; int NEW = 45; int NULL = 46; int PACKAGE = 47; int PRIVATE = 48; int PROTECTED = 49; int PUBLIC = 50; int RETURN = 51; int SHORT = 52; int STATIC = 53; int STRICTFP = 54; int SUPER = 55; int SWITCH = 56; int SYNCHRONIZED = 57; int THIS = 58; int THROW = 59; int THROWS = 60; int TRANSIENT = 61; int TRUE = 62; int TRY = 63; int VOID = 64; int VOLATILE = 65; int WHILE = 66; int INTEGER_LITERAL = 67; int DECIMAL_LITERAL = 68; int HEX_LITERAL = 69; int OCTAL_LITERAL = 70; int FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL = 71; int EXPONENT = 72; int CHARACTER_LITERAL = 73; int STRING_LITERAL = 74; int IDENTIFIER = 75; int LETTER = 76; int DIGIT = 77; int LPAREN = 78; int RPAREN = 79; int LBRACE = 80; int RBRACE = 81; int LBRACKET = 82; int RBRACKET = 83; int SEMICOLON = 84; int COMMA = 85; int DOT = 86; int ASSIGN = 87; int GT = 88; int LT = 89; int BANG = 90; int TILDE = 91; int HOOK = 92; int COLON = 93; int EQ = 94; int LE = 95; int GE = 96; int NE = 97; int SC_OR = 98; int SC_AND = 99; int INCR = 100; int DECR = 101; int PLUS = 102; int MINUS = 103; int STAR = 104; int SLASH = 105; int BIT_AND = 106; int BIT_OR = 107; int XOR = 108; int REM = 109; int LSHIFT = 110; int RSIGNEDSHIFT = 111; int RUNSIGNEDSHIFT = 112; int PLUSASSIGN = 113; int MINUSASSIGN = 114; int STARASSIGN = 115; int SLASHASSIGN = 116; int ANDASSIGN = 117; int ORASSIGN = 118; int XORASSIGN = 119; int REMASSIGN = 120; int LSHIFTASSIGN = 121; int RSIGNEDSHIFTASSIGN = 122; int RUNSIGNEDSHIFTASSIGN = 123; int DEFAULT = 0; int IN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 1; int IN_FORMAL_COMMENT = 2; int IN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 3; int IN_CATEGORY_COMMENT = 4; String[] tokenImage = { "<EOF>", "\" \"", "\"\\t\"", "\"\\f\"", "\"\\n\"", "\"\\r\"", "\"\\r\\n\"", "\"//\"", "<token of kind 8>", "\"/*\"", "\"/*<\"", "<SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT>", "\"*/\"", "\"*/\"", "\">*/\"", "<token of kind 15>", "\"abstract\"", "\"boolean\"", "\"break\"", "\"byte\"", "\"case\"", "\"catch\"", "\"char\"", "\"class\"", "\"const\"", "\"continue\"", "\"default\"", "\"do\"", "\"double\"", "\"else\"", "\"extends\"", "\"false\"", "\"final\"", "\"finally\"", "\"float\"", "\"for\"", "\"goto\"", "\"if\"", "\"implements\"", "\"import\"", "\"instanceof\"", "\"int\"", "\"interface\"", "\"long\"", "\"native\"", "\"new\"", "\"null\"", "\"package\"", "\"private\"", "\"protected\"", "\"public\"", "\"return\"", "\"short\"", "\"static\"", "\"strictfp\"", "\"super\"", "\"switch\"", "\"synchronized\"", "\"this\"", "\"throw\"", "\"throws\"", "\"transient\"", "\"true\"", "\"try\"", "\"void\"", "\"volatile\"", "\"while\"", "<INTEGER_LITERAL>", "<DECIMAL_LITERAL>", "<HEX_LITERAL>", "<OCTAL_LITERAL>", "<FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL>", "<EXPONENT>", "<CHARACTER_LITERAL>", "<STRING_LITERAL>", "<IDENTIFIER>", "<LETTER>", "<DIGIT>", "\"(\"", "\")\"", "\"{\"", "\"}\"", "\"[\"", "\"]\"", "\";\"", "\",\"", "\".\"", "\"=\"", "\">\"", "\"<\"", "\"!\"", "\"~\"", "\"?\"", "\":\"", "\"==\"", "\"<=\"", "\">=\"", "\"!=\"", "\"||\"", "\"&&\"", "\"++\"", "\"--\"", "\"+\"", "\"-\"", "\"*\"", "\"/\"", "\"&\"", "\"|\"", "\"^\"", "\"%\"", "\"<<\"", "\">>\"", "\">>>\"", "\"+=\"", "\"-=\"", "\"*=\"", "\"/=\"", "\"&=\"", "\"|=\"", "\"^=\"", "\"%=\"", "\"<<=\"", "\">>=\"", "\">>>=\"", }; }